To carry any experience we have gained together with the corporate culture we have created over to the next generations and be ranked among the successful companies throughout the company in the industries we are in within the forthcoming 10 years.
To value customer satisfaction above everything in the industry we are in and continuously seek for the perfect and offer quality and reliable products/services at all times.
We are knowledgeable, skilful, hardworking, environmentally respectful, honest employees who are open to learning and innovation, place importance on continuous work, love one another, adopt team spirit, have high ethical values, share the decisions and goals of the company, may make fast decisions within a flexible and horizontal organisational structure, make no concessions on quality, believe that we will be successful in all industries we are in.
We, DGN Denizcilik, take our Integrated Management System Policy as a basis in all our operations. We undertake that we will perform all our operations related to the Marine Construction, Marine Filling and Dredging Services with which we provide our customers in compliance with any and all legal regulations and conditions and improve the same continuously.
In this context, we identify our goals in order to enhance customer satisfaction and ensure its continuity and provide safer working environment at each time, place particular importance on occupational health and safety and define our environmental goals and dimensions and analyse and manage the same through professional approaches.
We make the customer-oriented working notion a corporate philosophy and ensure the same to be understood by the employees through training activities and undertake to offer products and services complying with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007standards.